Monday, August 13, 2012

Birth and Death.

Every morning and every night Dad and PopPop do the rounds, checking the heifers. 
We are having a good run this year, most of them are calving on their own.

We had to help a heifer calve on the weekend, she could not get him out on her own.
 Her calf was TOO BIG! He came out alive.
 BUT the heifer was quite can tell when a cow is mad,
 she throws her head around and points her ears forward...then you can look out!

She was so upset she jumped out of the yards....

We put the calf in the paddock with her but it seemed she just did not want to be a Mum!
She did not remember to feed him...we bought them both back to the yards the next day, but the calf was very weak and starving hungry.

PopPop milked some magic milk from the cow and we fed the calf from a bottle all day and all night. SADLY though he did not make it, he died.

The heifer will be sold later in the year, she has no calf now and she is too crazy to keep.

The cows in the paddocks are calving really well. Mum checked them on the weekend.
There are calves everywhere, even a set of twins!

This little calf was just born, as Mum checked them. His Mum loves him. 
There is no way she is leaving him.

I hope she did not mind the audience of steer weaners in the next paddock.

I love new calves they are so very cute!

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