Monday, May 20, 2013

Where, What, Why and When?

WHERE O WHERE have we been......down on the farm...busy as usual!

AND WHAT HAVE WE BEEN UP work as usual.

A little more detail. It rained and by just adding water the countryside changed from brown to green and empty dams grew puddles. The dam cleaning came to a standstill. While the crops were sown.


The countryside has once again turned brown and the puddles are slowly drying up.
We need rain and we need it yesterday.

The ewes are about half way through lambing and whilst the dry weather makes lambing a little more pleasant so too does green grass!

We have weaned all the calves from their mothers.

The crops are green but would really love a BIG drink of water.

and the dams are slowly shrinking away...making it difficult at times to get to water.

So why have there been fewer stories to tell....I have been very busy at school. So during the week I have very little time to get out in the paddocks and get down and dirty.
 I leave the house at 8:00am to meet the school bus and do not get back home until 4:15pm. the days are very short and it gets dark very early.

Weekends are spent helping out on the farm or resting up for the next BIG week of school.
So for that reason my blog is going to take a break...
be prepared because I have someone watching and learning lots from me

 about what we do on the farm and in a couple of years Mum and I will start a blog for my little sister Erin, and you can watch and learn how Erin learns all about farm life.

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